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2024/4/24Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2024, 146(21): 14566-14575.

Accelerating Computation of Acidity Constants and Redox Potentials for Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries by Machine Learning Potential-Based Molecular Dynamics

Wang, Feng; Ma, Zebing; Cheng, Jun*

Due to the increased concern about energy and environmental issues, significant attention has been paid to the development of large-scale energy storage devices to facilitate the utilization of clean energy sources. The redox flow battery (RFB) is one of the most promising systems. Recently, the high cost of transition-metal complex-based RFB has promoted the development of aqueous RFBs with redox-active organic molecules. To expand the working voltage, computational chemistry has been applied to search for organic molecules with lower or higher redox potentials. However, redox potential computation based on implicit solvation models would be challenging due to difficulty in parametrization when considering the complex solvation of supporting electrolytes. Besides, although ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) describes the supporting electrolytes with the same level of electronic structure theory as the redox couple, the application is impeded by the high computation costs. Recently, machine learning molecular dynamics (MLMD) has been illustrated to accelerate AIMD by several orders of magnitude without sacrificing the accuracy. It has been established that redox potentials can be computed by MLMD with two separated machine learning potentials (MLPs) for reactant and product states, which is redundant and inefficient. In this work, an automated workflow is developed to construct a universal MLP for both states, which can compute the redox potentials or acidity constants of redox-active organic molecules more efficiently. Furthermore, the predicted redox potentials can be evaluated at the hybrid functional level with much lower costs, which would facilitate the design of aqueous organic RFBs.

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